November 24, 2020: 5pm Central Europe / 11am Eastern / 10am CDMX / 8am Pacific
Weapons companies based in Europe and Israel exported more than 238,000 firearms to Mexico for use by police between 2006 and 2018, in addition to thousands of weapons for military use. Gun homicides and other violence by state forces and criminal organizations increased dramatically during this period, while policies in arms exporting countries that neglect or violate human rights have contributed to the violence. Activists and researchers from six countries will present a new report that draws on thousands of pages of receipts for weapons transfers in Mexico and other documentation to expose the European and Israeli arms industries’ role in the growing bloodshed in Mexico. Please join us.
Carlo Tombola (Italy), Osservatorio Permanente Armi Leggere e Politiche di Sicurezza – Brescia (OPAL)
Sahar Vardi (Israel), American Friends Service Committee
Charlotte Kehne (Germany), Ohne Rüstung Leben
Mattijs Van den Bussche (Belgium), Vredesactie
Daniel Mata (Mexico), Mexican Commission for the Defense and Protection of Human Rights
John Lindsay-Poland (United States), Global Exchange/ Stop US Arms to Mexico
Carlo Tombola (Italy), Osservatorio Permanente Armi Leggere e Politiche di Sicurezza – Brescia (OPAL)
Sahar Vardi (Israel), American Friends Service Committee
Charlotte Kehne (Germany), Ohne Rüstung Leben
Mattijs Van den Bussche (Belgium), Vredesactie
Daniel Mata (Mexico), Mexican Commission for the Defense and Protection of Human Rights
John Lindsay-Poland (United States), Global Exchange/ Stop US Arms to Mexico
Simultaneous interpretation into Spanish will be provided on Zoom.
The webinar will also be broadcast on Facebook Live and YouTube.
Co-sponsored by: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and Ohne Rüstung Leben (Germany), Global Exchange (United States), Rompeviento TV, Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights, and Center for Ecumenical Studies (Mexico), Vredesactie and Agir por la Paid (Belgium), OPAL (Italy), American Friends Service Committee (Israel).